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The Definitive Guide to the What and When of Product Owner Responsibilities

The Definitive Guide to the What and When of Product Owner Responsibilities

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An issue facing many agile teams is how they can coexist with non-agile teams within the same company and often working on the same project. A friend, Eva Gysling, is doing some academic research into this topic. She's prepared an 11-topic free-form questionnaire soliciting experiences and thoughts on mixing agile with waterfall.

If you have experience with this, please help her out by downloading the questionnaire and sending your responses to her at the address in the questionnaire. Given the rampancy of this situation, I think this can be very important research.

Thanks for helping.

Last update: December 22nd, 2017

Mike Cohn

About the Author

Mike Cohn specializes in helping companies adopt and improve their use of agile processes and techniques to build extremely high-performance teams. He is the author of User Stories Applied for Agile Software Development, Agile Estimating and Planning, and Succeeding with Agile as well as the Better User Stories video course. Mike is a founding member of the Agile Alliance and Scrum Alliance and can be reached at hello@mountaingoatsoftware.com. If you want to succeed with agile, you can also have Mike email you a short tip each week.