Announcing the New Agile Mentors Podcast

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Today we’re announcing the launch of our new Agile Mentors Podcast. You can enjoy two new episodes starting today, with more content published each week.

Join me, Brian Milner, and a guest co-host each week to hear about a range of agile topics. This select group of agile experts and I will be sharing with you what we’ve seen from thousands of companies’ agile implementations: the perils and pitfalls, as well as the secrets to success. And we’ll also share the practical lessons we’ve learned along the way so you can apply them in your own career if you choose.

The Agile and Scrum Podcast You’ve Been Searching for Has Arrived!

Whether you are new to agile and need some advice, or are an experienced product owner, Scrum Master, or agile coach looking to get and give advice, this podcast is designed for you. Our podcast isn’t just a couple of insiders spouting wisdom; we want to hear from you as well. You can contact the show to let us know your own experiences, lessons you’ve learned, and questions you’d like answered. We hope you’ll join us to mentor and be mentored.

For our debut episode I’m joined by Mike Cohn. In addition to authoring several books, Mike also has over 20 years of experience building high-performing software development teams and organizations through the use of agile and Scrum. We talk about how to succeed with agile, from choosing an agile framework to how to get started to knowing when you need to break the rules.

In Episode Two, Mike returns to dive into Scrum Masters and agile, specifically the Scrum Master role—including some great resume tips for getting your foot in the door when you don’t have any experience yet working as a Scrum Master for a Scrum team.

Listen to the Agile Mentors Podcast

Why This Podcast? Why Now?

One of the many benefits of Scrum and agile training with Mountain Goat Software is membership in our Agile Mentors Community. This unique space is designed for a global community of agile practitioners to question, comment and learn—from one another—how to succeed with agile in the real world.

With a private, moderated forum, monthly Q&As with Mike Cohn, lean coffee events, access to an agile resource library, and more, this is the place for agile enthusiasts to gather to mentor and be mentored. The podcast seemed like a natural way to expand this concept out into the wider world of agile enthusiasts and those striving to make agile work for their specific context.

The Agile Mentors Podcast expands on the questions, comments, and wonderings of Agile Mentors Community members and brings the discussions about agile transformation into a public forum.

How to Subscribe

We want you to join us every week, and we’re confident that once you get started you won’t want to miss an episode. We’ve made it easy for you to find us on your favorite podcast service. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, PocketCast, or Spotify. You can also download an RSS feed directly from us.

Once you’ve subscribed, be sure to like us and give us your review so that others can mentor and be mentored. We hope that this podcast finds its way into your Scrum Master toolbox and that you share with all of the product owners, product managers, and others in your organization who are interested in knowing more about agile methodologies.

Last update: February 12th, 2025

Brian Milner

About the Author

Brian is the Senior Vice President of Training and Coaching with Mountain Goat Software and is a Certified Scrum Trainer. Starting out as a developer, Brian worked up through management layers, then transitioned to Scrum Master and then Coach. His practical experience in both waterfall and agile organizations helps him clarify what works and what doesn’t, plus he has many years’ experience helping teams transition to agile.