If you're like me, you're late in starting your shopping this year, whether it's for Hanukkah, Christmas, Festivus or some other holiday.
To help you out, I want to share a few thoughts on the best gifts for the ScrumMaster in your life. Here are the top ten gifts for the ScrumMaster in your life.
A Bullhorn
All good ScrumMasters struggle at times to get their message across. Perhaps it's because we too often try the subtle approach. Perhaps it's time for something different.
For when the bullhorn doesn't work after all. If you know where you buy additional patience, let me know. Mine is always in short supply.
A "We'll Try It For Two Sprints" Gift Certificate
Gift certificates always make great presents. I guarantee your ScrumMaster would love a handmade note from the whole team saying, "We'll try whatever you want for two sprints." What a wonderful way to demonstrate your commitment.
In case your ScrumMaster has been too busy to notice, there is now a cologne just for ScrumMasters.
Judging by the frequency with which my family gives me socks, these are a tremendous gift.
A Great Book
Admit it, you make life hard on your ScrumMaster. Your ScrumMaster could use help and advice in figuring out how to help you be the best team you can be. There's nothing like a great book to help. Fortunately my publisher has all the books in their Signature Series on sale for half off. That includes the ones I've edited as well as those by Martin Fowler and Kent Beck. Check out all the great books on sale but only through 14 December.
A Video Course
Well, if there's anything better than a book, it's a video course. I know your ScrumMaster would love my online Agile Estimating and Planning video course.
Index Cards
Honestly, can any ScrumMaster really have too many index cards? Splurge and get your ScrumMaster some monogrammed cards or the desk box to hold all their cards. I like the cards and boxes from Levenger.
An Atomic Clock
What better way to be sure the daily scrum never takes more than fifteen minutes?
Thank Them
Many ScrumMasters have taken on the role and given up part of all of their time as programmers, testers, analysts or whatever got them into this industry in the first place. And they're happy to do it if it helps the team. But there are times when being a ScrumMaster can be a thankless job at times. So thank your ScrumMaster just for doing the job.
Last update: August 29th, 2022