
Advanced Certified ScrumMaster®

Certified Live Online

There are almost one million Certified ScrumMasters, but fewer than 11,000 people have the Advanced Certified ScrumMaster title. In just two-days you can join this elite group of specialist practitioners

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Use advanced facilitation techniques to manage team dynamics


Overcome resistance with coaching techniques that work


Motivate your team so that members are driven to achieve their goals

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Seth Webster
I am learning so much by just listening to your experiences and solutions - it is a good melding of the course and actual experience.
Roberta Pettit
I recently attended Mountain Goat Software's Advanced Certified Scrum Master 2 day course. Much to my delight it was facilitated by Brian Milner. Brian is such a skilled and engaging facilitator. The content was logically sequenced and paced well for increased comprehension along with application of new learnings and skills. The best part for me personally was connecting with so many like minded Scrum Masters whose main goals here were to increase their abilities to best serve their teams. The conversations and relationships I made were fantastic and I cannot wait to start making even more of difference with my teams. Thank you Mike, Brian and Mountain Goat Software for yet another enriching learning journey.
Rishi Kapur Photo
Rishi Kapur
Amazing class! Great course content but my favorite part was how engaging and valuable the workshops were. Brian did such an excellent job facilitating and making sure everyone was able to have productive conversations. I wish we had another day just to keep sitting around talking!
Danielle Hunt
Brian's A-CSM class was a perfect combination of recap, new materials, and discussions with other professionals.
Daniel Mundra Photo
Daniel Mundra
This class was a relevant step in learning more about being a better scrum master and the journey in front of the scrum master. I would recommend this class to anyone that is trying to learn more about SCRUM. The instructor was very knowledgeable, understanding, and quick to respond to questions. He had complete control of the class but also encouraged spontaneity. The classmates were all eager to learn and had a wealth of knowledge being from different backgrounds and it seemed like every exercise the team I was with all participated and worked for excellence in the exercises.
David E. Harms Photo
David E. Harms

Upcoming Live Online Training

with Brian Milner $1,000    $900
(Early Bird Price through May 7)
All courses include:
Money-back guarantee
Training recording provided
12 months follow-on support in the Agile Mentors Community

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Pre-pay for 10+ passes and you can assign seats directly to team members, or let them self-select the courses that suit their training needs and schedule.
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Our Instructor

Mountain Goat has handpicked instructors that share our training values. These are people with deep experience, who are leading teams with agile today and can give you real-world answers about what does and doesn’t work.

Brian Milner

Brian is the Senior Vice President of Training and Coaching with Mountain Goat Software and is a Certified Scrum Trainer. Starting out as a developer, Brian worked up through management layers, then transitioned to Scrum Master and then Coach. His practical experience in both waterfall and agile organizations helps him clarify what works and what doesn’t, plus he has many years’ experience helping teams transition to agile. 


Team Home

Team Home is a collaboration platform that we designed for our courses. It is optimized for live, online training. Participants benefit by collaborating in ways beyond what is possible with generic whiteboard software such as Mural or Miro. Instructors can observe activity across all rooms, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of exercise debriefs.


Click below to see samples of the 100+ exercises instructors use in our courses.

In this CSPO exercise, participants take on roles in a movie studio and spend virtual currency to prioritize what will make them a successful movie.

Participants experience the benefits of collaborating and working as a cross-functional team in this exercise from Working on a Scrum Team.

During the CSM exercise, participants discuss how managers should interact with Scrum teams. Also shown is the custom debrief view used by instructors so they know which items need the most discussion after the exercise.

Exercises have custom debrief views for instructors, which help them know which topics warrant the most discussion after the exercise.

ScrumAlliance Badge
On completion of the prerecorded videos, live sessions, and proof of a CSM certification and 12 months relevant experience, you will be registered with the Scrum Alliance as an Advanced-Certified ScrumMaster

16 PDUs within the PMI.
16 SEUs towards your CSP designation within the Scrum Alliance.

Additionally, if you currently hold a certification with the Scrum Alliance, attending this course will automatically advance your previous certification expiration date to the new certification expiration date.

Course Outline

1. Agile and Scrum

A deep dive into the development of agile, different agile frameworks, and recognizing violations. 

2. The Scrum Master Role

Understand the differentiating traits that will make you a stand-out Scrum Master

3. Facilitation

Learn advanced facilitation techniques. Understand how to navigate team member dynamics and guide teams through productive discussions. This module alone can transform the communication of any agile team.

4. Coaching

You’ll understand the difference between being a consultant and a coach. See how and when to intervene and deal effectively with conflict.

5. High-Performing Teams

Discover practices that take a team from good to great. See how to form an effective team, master development practices, and serve product owners, Story Mapping & Impact Mapping are covered as well as backlog refinement.

6. Agile Organizations

Know how to serve the organization with your team, how to execute root cause analysis, scale scrum, and understand complex systems.

7. Scrum Mastery

You also have a chance to do some private, individual evaluation. You'll  identify your strengths and the areas you need to develop to be an invaluable Scrum Master.