
Accurate Agile Planning

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This course helps you determine how much can be delivered by when. It covers fixed-date, fixed-scope, and fixed-everything projects and will give you the skills to create accurate plans 3, 6, or 12 months into the future.

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Plan complex projects including those that require deliverables by specific dates


Confidently communicate plans to stakeholders including the need for accuracy rather than precision


Better manage backlog items that have the greatest uncertainty to reduce project risk.

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Upcoming Live Online Training

with Mike Cohn $1200   10 spots left! Register
All courses include:
Money-back guarantee
Training recording provided
12 months follow-on support in the Agile Mentors Community

Our Instructor

Mountain Goat has handpicked instructors that share our training values. These are people with deep experience, who are leading teams with agile today and can give you real-world answers about what does and doesn’t work.

Mike Cohn

With 20+ years of agile training experience, Mike has honed a talent for explaining agile concepts with clear illustrations and real-life examples. Participants enjoy his passion for teaching the agile methodologies in a relatable and digestible way. 


6 PDUs within the PMI.
6 SEUs towards your CSP designation within the Scrum Alliance.

Course Outline

1. What Is Agile Planning?

  • Good Plans Lead to the Right Decisions
  • Why Estimating in Person-Days Does Not Work

2. Estimating with Story Points

  • What Story Points Are
  • Using an Appropriate Scale
  • Five Types of Estimates and Which Works
  • Planning Poker and Affinity Estimating

3. Milestone (Release) Planning

  • Fixed-Date Plans
  • Fixed-Scope Plans
  • Fixed-Everything Plans
  • Estimating Velocity
  • Estimating Velocity Without Data (or Even a Team)

4. Planning for What You Don’t Know

  • Why Your Product Backlog Is Bigger than You Think
  • Estimating the Unknown Backlog

5. Buffering Critical Plans

  • Don’t Pad a Plan but Buffer What Matters
  • Why Two Estimates Are Better (and Faster) than One
  • Measuring Risk
  • Creating the Buffered Plan

6. Getting Faster and Better at Estimating

  • Seven Things to Do to Get Better, Faster Estimates
  • Four Things to Stop Doing

7. Communicating about Estimates and Plans

  • Explaining Story Points
  • Explaining What Makes a Good Estimate or Plan
  • Answering Questions about the Plan