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Our library contains hundreds of articles written by Scrum Alliance and Agile Alliance founder Mike Cohn. Here are three favorites to get you started.

Estimating with Story Points

User Stories

Daily Scrums: Synchronization Meetings, Not Status Meetings

For more, please visit our blog.


Our YouTube channel is filled with short, succinct videos designed to help you succeed with agile.

7 Mistakes Every Scrum Master Makes, And What to Do About Them

Definition of Done vs Acceptance Criteria: What's the Difference?

SPIDR: 5 Ways to Split User Stories & Bring Any Story Down to Size

You can see all of our videos on our YouTube channel.

Agile Mentors Podcast

Each week, Brian Milner hosts a new guest on the Agile Mentors Podcast. Each episode is specially curated to give you practical advice to make agile work in the real world. Tune in to discover ways to become more agile, whethter you're just starting out or are highly experienced.

#88: Slicing Work For Agile Success With Anton Skornyakov

#80: From Struggling to Success: Reviving Agile Teams with Mike Cohn

#71: The World of DevOps with Carlos Nunez

Listen to the Podcast

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