Hi! I’m Mike Cohn and I’ve been blogging here since 2005. That means there’s a lot of content here.
I’ve prepared this handy guide to help you find what you want on the most important topics I’ve written about. In addition to blog posts, you’ll find links to presentations, videos and more.
To get started, scroll down to find the topic you’re interested in then click on one of the personally selected items on that topic.
From there, you’ll be able to navigate to more items on the same topic.
An estimate of story points reflects the effort to do the work as influenced by four factors and not just complexity.
Planning Poker
product backlog
A product backlog is a prioritized list of the functionality that remains to be added to the product. A well groomed backlog ensures that teams are always working on the most valuable features. For details, start with one of these resources.
Scrum Product Backlog
product owner
In Scrum, the product owner represents the users or customers of a product or system. Product owners ensure that the right product is being built in the right order. To learn more about the product owner role, select one of these items.
Product Owner Role and Responsibilities
Sprints, or iterations, are timeboxed periods where a team plans, builds, delivers, and reviews a set of small, valuable, potentially shippable features. Sprints last no more than one month, creating opportunities for frequent feedback on both the product and the process.
The Scrum Framework
user stories
User stories are simple, short descriptions of desired functionality. Their power comes from the conversations they enable, allowing people to shift from writing about requirements to talking about them.