Do you have a question on your mind or a topic you'd like me to write about?
If so, I'm trying something new. Head on over to the new ask-a-question page and submit a question. At least initially, that page won't be linked anywhere from the site's menu structure. For now, the only way to know about it is to be a loyal reader of my blog.
I'll answer the most common, important or interesting questions or topics here on the blog or on my newsletter. I can't promise I'll be able to address every topic, or answer every question that’s submitted, but I'll do my best.
My hope is that this way, I can share my opinions. But, more importantly, we can all benefit from the great community discussion that often happens here around some of the topics.
I look forward to your suggestions and questions. The new ask-a-question page is available now. So let me know what you'd like me to address.