User stories are a great way to get people talking about requirements. However, there's a reason why we invented the written word: to make sure that nothing we've said is forgotten or…
Numbers may not lie, but measurements can sure mislead you. This article explores two myths about metrics and management and offers guidelines for devising project metrics that won't leave you…
Many teams try to divide and conquer when it comes to sprint planning, often with disjointed and disappointing results. This article explores why planning, like so many other agile practices, should…
If the only certain things in life are death and taxes, why do so many teams think that if they plan well enough they're somehow going to add software to that short list? This article deals with…
Change may be a constant, but it doesn't have to be constant. By following some simple guidelines, you can choose when and if you will allow adjustments to planned work during an iteration.
This tongue-in-cheek article offers humorous insight into the pitfalls of the waterfall process. You'll find yourself laughing at agile experts gone mad. You might even recognize some of your own…