Most teams do the daily scrum per person, but some encounter the problem described here and discuss things story-by-story. Not all teams need to do it the same.
Some teams may respond to the pressure for their abstract measure of velocity to increase by gradually inflating the number of story points assigned to a story.
Rolling lookahead planning is a useful technique for large projects or any project with external dependencies. This short article describes how, when, and why to do it.
Not everyone involved in an agile transition wants the change to be successful. This tongue-in-cheek article details twenty things you can do to sabotage an agile transition. Of course, the twenty…
By producing a single chart that shows both a team's rate of progress and the product backlog, we have a single visualization that shows both when a team is likely to finish and what features will…
In seeking to improve how we develop software, we continually inspect and adapt. While thinking recently about the characteristics of the ideal team member, we found similarities between the…