Sometimes, ambitious agile teams fail to deliver everything in a sprint. That's normal. But it shouldn’t become a habit. Learn how teams fall into the trap of unfinished work…
Moving to a Scrum or an agile way of working is beneficial but can be disruptive. Discover what you can do to help people to embrace new ideas, rather than resist and fear them.
Teams get things done far more quickly than one person could. But as team size grows, so does overhead. So what is the optimal team size for agile projects? It's much smaller than you might…
With many competing pulls on their time, product owners can be hard to catch during a sprint. Learn how to help harried product owners seize opportunities to inspect and adapt outside the…
While the demo itself is the most prominent part of a sprint review, running an effective review requires more than that. Get this handy agenda for comprehensive sprint reviews.
Are your teams haunted by horrible daily scrums? Are team members suppressing screams of frustration as one person drones on and on? Or maybe standing like zombies waiting to give a robotic response?…
If team members are only going through the motions, you're probably doing daily scrums wrong. Discover a more effective way to approach daily scrums with your teams.
Too many daily scrums are status meetings instead of a time for team members to share plans, progress, and problems with one another. Learn why and what you can do about it.
Thinking of getting Scrum certification or agile training for teams but confused about whether public or private is the better option? Get the answers you need.