What Does Scrum Mean by Cross Functional Teams? What exactly does cross functional mean and why does it matter?
How Implementation Intentions Help My Sprints Planning an exact time to do something within a sprint helps make sure you get the important stuff done.
How to Create Self-Sufficient Scrum Teams As a veteran parent now with two teenage daughters, I can tell you that one of our goals has always been to…
My Favorite Hard Questions to Ask When Making a Decision Asking hard questions is a great way to confirm the right decision is being made.
My Most Popular Posts of 2021 Here are my top ten blog posts from last year based on comments and views.
Dependencies Are Killing Your Agile Flow at Scale How do you squeeze out the waste and get the most significant improvement in flow at scale?
How To Coach Your Team to Run a Daily Scrum Meeting When You Cannot Attend Coaching your team to run a daily scrum without you.
Automatically Triangulating Estimates in Planning Poker Triangulating estimates happens when teams compare a current estimate against two existing estimates, one smaller and one larger. Learn how to do this manually and automatically.
Are People Problems Creating Estimating Problems? To create great estimates, you need to know that estimating is a human task, and humans can be complicated.
The Five Possible Estimates and Which One Your Team Should Use Unless team members have discussed it, they are almost certainly providing different types of estimates.