Overlapping work is one element of agile that is difficult for teams to understand and master. Discover three things agile teams can do to make it easier.
Mountain Goat Software announces ScrumPolice.com, a mock website based on a very real issue: Too many people believe that agile is about rules, rather than recommendation. Get in on the fun…
Deadlines are often missed because teams fail to consider emergent requirements. Learn about the 3 types of requirements your agile team should be gathering.
Perhaps the most prevalent and persistent myth in agile is that a cross-functional team is one on which each person possesses every skill necessary to complete the work. This is simply not true. A…
Story points are perhaps the most misunderstood topic in agile. Story points are not based on just one factor--such as complexity, as is often mistakenly claimed. Instead, story points are based on a…
When writing user stories, how should agile teams handle non-functional requirements—desired product attributes or characteristics? Get the answers you need in this blog post from Mike Cohn.