We found 111 results for story points

  1. Why I Prefer Capacity-Driven Sprint Planning

    …high-level estimates (usually in story points but possibly in ideal days) equals their average velocity. In capacity-driven sprint planning, a team selects one product backlog item at a time by roughly identifying and estimating the tasks that will be involved, and stopping when they feel the sprint is full. Velocity…
  2. Can There Be Too Much Transparency?

    …Hours worked Number of story points per person Burndown charts Number of defects fixed per iteration And many more Some of these might be worth tracking; others might not be. A fully transparent team would make all of this data visible. But transparency extends beyond metrics and can include conversations…
  3. My Most Popular Blog Posts from 2020

    …6. How to Estimate Story Points with Multiple Teams You say toe-may-to, I say toe-mah-to. Your team says five points, my team says eight points. Here’s how to establish a common story point baseline that can be used by multiple teams on the same project. 5. Time Pressure Improves Productivity…
  4. In Defense of Large Numbers

    …people to estimate with story points as large as 20, 40, and 100. We include these values in the decks of Planning Poker cards that we sell and give away in classes and at conferences. Yet many people tell me they start out my taking the 20, 40 and 100…
  5. The Best Way to Establish a Baseline When Playing Planning Poker

    …units of work (generally, story points) is estimated to take twice as long to complete as an item estimated as five units of work. An advantage to relative estimating is that it becomes easier to do as a team estimates more items. Estimating a new item becomes a matter of…
  6. 7 Ways to Get the Best Estimates of Story Size

    …fan of estimating in story points. Story points are an abstract relative measure of effort. I’ve definitely got story points in mind for these tips. But they can be applied just as well if you estimate in more traditional units such as person days. [goatbot-question=What are the benefits of relative…
  7. Does the Perfect Estimate Exist? (Free Video Training)

    …face when estimating with story points. We aren’t charging for this training and it will be available until Wednesday, November 24 at 9 p.m. Pacific. To watch videos one and two, and to find out when the next one is available, sign up here. Today’s video looks at the problem…
  8. #35: Metrics with Lance Dacy

    …- Brian shares the story of how a manager's bug squashing endeavor led to incentivizing the wrong behavior [22:31] - Lance references Stephen Denning's statement and reminds us that assumption testing is what developers do every day. [24:00] - Referencing the State of Agile Report statistics on what's stalling your…
  9. 4 Steps to Persuade a Product Owner to Prioritize Refactoring

    …Recommend Hours Rather than Story Points I recommend using hours for these calculations because most teams do not put story points on their defects. However, if your team does estimate defects in story points, you can use points for these calculations. I’ll proceed from here, though, sticking with hours. Nothing…
  10. Visualizing a Large Product Backlog With a Treemap

    …simple treemap of a two-story house: In this treemap, each rectangle is sized to represent the relative area of the room. From it you can see that the master bedroom is about twice the size of either kid's room and a little larger than the downstairs family room. The combined…
  11. #86: Revisiting User Stories with Mike Cohn

    …to an old User Story and wondered, “what was I thinking?” On today’s episode, Mike Cohn, walks us through how and why he recently revisited and updated 200 Real Life User Story Examples from his past projects and updated a resource for you! Listen in as Mike and Brian share…
  12. Release Planning: Retiring the Term but not the Technique

    …between 150 and 200 story points of work.” I still think that is useful and every ScrumMaster should know how to do that. What's not useful any longer, however, is the term “release planning.” Ten years ago, everyone doing Scrum was doing a model along the lines of sprint, sprint,…
  13. Predicting Velocity When Teams Change Frequently

    …average velocity of 25 points per iteration over the last year and they have time for 8 iterations in this new project; therefore they will complete around 200 points in those 8 iterations.” But what do we do when we are managing an agile project where team membership or size…
  14. Are We Really Bad at Estimating?

    …Want More Help With Story Points? (Coming Soon) Very soon I’ll be releasing some free video training to help solve some common story points problems. If you want to be the first to find out when it’s available, register now to join the wait list. Sign up for the FREE…
  15. For Better Agile Planning, Be Collaborative

    …within, let’s say, 20–30 points per iteration, stakeholders cannot insist that a plan be based on a velocity of 40. Everyone involved, including developers, may hope for 40, but the plan needs to be based on facts. Second, stakeholders need to be comfortable with plans that are occasionally expressed as…