The technique of expressing requirements as user stories is one of the most broadly applicable techniques introduced by the agile processes. User stories are an effective approach on all time-constrained projects, and are a great way to begin introducing a bit of agility to your projects.
In this session, we look at how to identify and write good user stories. The presentation describes the six attributes that good stories should exhibit and presents 13 guidelines for writing better stories. We will explore how user "role modeling" can help when gathering a project's initial stories.
Because requirements touch all job functions on a development project, this tutorial will be equally suited for analysts, customers, testers, programmers, managers or anyone involved in a software development project. By the end of this tutorial, you will leave knowing the six attributes of a good story, learn a good format for writing most user stories, learn practical techniques for gathering user stories, know how much work to do up-front and how much to do just-in-time.
Last update: April 19th, 2021
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